By PR & Communications Officer, Marie Duffy
As you attempt to crawl out of bed each morning in winter, it’s easy to see why animals choose to hibernate. In the natural world, winter is a time for slowing down and preparing for regrowth in Spring. But in today’s fast paced world we tend to ignore winter’s call to slow down. Instead, our focus is on doing as much as we can, as fast as we can. But choosing to ignore nature’s call may be a huge mistake.
In the fantastic book ‘Wintering’ author Katherine May encourages us to listen to nature’s call by slowing down. Wintering, she says, is a way to get through tough times by chilling, hibernating, and healing. She says that in today’s fast paced world, slowing down, relaxing in your spare time, and getting enough sleep and resting often seems like a radical act now, but it is essential.
Embracing a slower life
There are huge benefits in slowing down in winter. In the past people followed the seasons more closely, getting up much later on dark mornings and going to bed much earlier when it got dark. Winter would be easier if we stopped fighting our instincts to slow down and embraced it instead.
In Scandinavia they are so much better at embracing winter than we are in Ireland. In Denmark, they have a thing called ‘Hygge’ (pronounced hoo-guh) which places a focus on taking time away from the busyness of life to relax and enjoy life’s quieter pleasures. Winter is the perfect time for adopting hygge into your life. You could do this by spending more time with friends or family, reducing your screen time, savouring a nice meal, or snuggling up with a good book.
Getting out in nature is important
Another way to look after yourself this winter is to spend time in nature, and experts have long championed the benefits of it. In Norway they call disconnecting in nature, ‘Frulitsiv,’ and even have a ‘library’ where people can rent out outdoor gear during winter. Even getting outside for five minutes in nature is helpful. The key is not waiting until you ‘feel like it’ because the chances are you rarely will. That means wrapping up and braving the elements. Remember there is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothing! You don’t need to live in a rural area to enjoy nature, it might mean spending time in your local park or even spending time in a garden or keeping plants in your house.
Making the most of Winter
A lot of people notice their mood dip in winter with a lack of sunshine and the darker longer nights. But there are ways to make winter an easier experience.
- Try to go outside every day for natural sunlight, whether it is for a short walk or enjoying your morning coffee.
- Resist the temptation of that box of chocolates or biscuits and try to fit in more wholesome nutritious options. One way of getting your five a day easily is by adding lots of vegetables to your homemade soups and stews.
- Take time for activities you enjoy, be it a hobby or watching a movie. Winter is a perfect time for trying something new to help you pass the long winter nights.
- Use December as a time to reflect and plan for the upcoming year. Write down reflections on the year that has just passed and make goals for the upcoming year. Do this without setting unachievable goals which simply set you up to fail. Also, try not to shame or guilt yourself for the things you did or didn’t do.
Winter can be a challenging time for many people, but with a few adjustments you can make it an enjoyable time to relax, unwind and recharge yourself for the new year that follows. So, make yourself a hot chocolate, put on your favourite film and snuggle in for the night! Don’t forget to check out our Winter Connectmas Campaign www.bit.ly/Connectmas