Mental Health and Wellbeing
Here you will find some key research about mental health and wellbeing. We also have a list of organisations who host a number of other facts and statistics in relation to mental health and wellbeing in Ireland at the end of this page.
In 2018 Mental Health Ireland surveyed a sample of the Irish population asking their own attitudes towards mental health and recovery. We found:
On average, women have a lower wellbeing score than men;
Those who are younger, on average, scored lower on the wellbeing scale than those who are older;
On average, those who are unemployed and those who are full-time homemakers have a lower score than those who are in full-time or part-time employment;
The majority of people (93%) reported that there are things we can do to improve our mental health and wellbeing. Most commonly cited tools by these people are:
Talking to a Family Member/Friend
Healthy Food
Speaking with a Counsellor
Practicing Mindfulness/Yoga
(Mental Health Ireland Mental Health Insights Survey, 2018)
Healthy Ireland
Healthy Ireland conduct an annual survey exploring a variety of topics. We have featured some of their findings below but a full list of their reports can be found on their website.
Higher positive mental health is more likely among men than women and among 15-24 year olds than those over 25 years.
47% of the Irish population aged 15 and over participate in a social group or club
Prevalence of Mental Health Illness
The Health at a Glance Report reported that Ireland has one of the highest rates (3/36 countries) of mental health illness in Europe with 18.5% of the Irish population recorded as having a mental health illness such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, or alcohol/drug use in 2016.
The Mental Health Commission
The main functions of the Mental Health Commission is to promote, encourage and foster high standards and good practices in the delivery of mental health services and to protect the interests of patients who are involuntarily admitted.
National Office for Suicide Prevention
The role of the HSE’s National Office for Suicide Prevention is to effectively support, inform, monitor and co-ordinate the implementation of Connecting for Life.
The Health Research
The Health Research Board is a state agency that supports research and provides evidence to prevent illness, improve health and transform patient care.
Healthy Ireland is a government-led initiative aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland.
Family Resource Centre Mental Health Promotion Project
The project supports Family Resource Centres in promoting best practice in relation to suicide prevention and the promotion of positive mental health.
Central Statistics Office
Ireland’s national statistical office and our purpose is to impartially collect, analyse and make available statistics about Ireland’s people, society and economy.
National Strategies and Policies:
Notable Research:
My World Survey (2012)
My World Survey 2 (2019)