In celebration of World Mental Health Day, we will be asking the public to reflect on their growth during recent tough times and their hopes for their own wellbeing and of those around them.
World Mental Health Day will take place on Saturday, October 10th and the theme this year is Mental Health for All: Greater Investment, Greater Access. Everyone, everywhere.
We’re asking people to reflect on how far they’ve come in the face of uncertainty and what they hope, not only for their own future but for others facing their own mental health challenges. We want to open up the discussion of how we can live in a world where positive mental health and recovery is possible for everyone.
What we have planned
#Reflectandgrow seeds
Mental Health Ireland will share wildflower seeds across the country to encourage people to take a moment to reflect on their growth during recent tough times and their hopes for the future. We will distribute plantable bookmarks to workplaces and community groups to encourage people to take a moment to reflect on how far they have come in the face of all the unprecedented challenges of the year and to plant seeds of hope for better times ahead. We will also be encouraging you to bring your group, friends, colleagues and peers together to plant your own seeds of hope for the future – perhaps in a communal or community garden, or even the office kitchen or window sill! All the seeds need to grow is a little water and soil, a symbol of how we don’t need much at all to blossom – just a little care. However you grew over the last few months, it’s remarkable – by simply getting up in the morning, brushing your teeth, taking a breath, having the strength to seek help, or to talk to someone about how you’re feeling. If we dig deep, every one of us will have had moments of growth and strength during the toughest of times.
Please note: The incredible reaction to our Reflect and Grow bookmarks has exceeded all expectations so unfortunately we are unable to send any more out in time for World Mental Health Day on October 10th (over 4,000 bookmarks have gone out to workplaces, schools and communities around Ireland in the last week!). We will have more to send out in the coming weeks and your requests will be noted. In the meantime, we have many more resources we can share in time for WMHD and resources that are free to download here so please do get in touch. Thanks!
Community Support Tree
To promote the pathways and power of growth and recovery, we have created Community Tree Information Board signposting local supports and services that can be displayed in classrooms, workplaces, and community spaces across Ireland.
Sharing the Vision -Translating Policy into Practice Webinar
To do this we engaged speakers who represent projects that are already translating recommendations in Sharing the Vision into practice and which also embody the 4 principles of the policy; Recovery, Trauma Informed, Human Rights, and Valuing & Learning.
Furthermore we have invited a panel of subject matter experts to reflect on the following questions from their perspective; ‘How will we know when the policy is successfully implemented?’, and ‘What does a mental health system that encapsulates the principles of Recovery, Trauma-Informed, Human Rights and Valuing and Learning look like?’.
The panel will be hosted by Hugh Kane, Chair of the Oversight Group for Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone for the period 2020-2030 and current Chairman of the Board for Mental Health Ireland.
Join us for the webinar on 9th October 10am – 1pm that will explore the nation’s new mental health policy Sharing the Vision. We will discuss how we can translate the aspirations of the policy into practice. With expert speakers, art and music.
Register for Sharing the Vision – Translating Policy into Practice here
How can I get involved?
Reflect, plant and grow
Get in touch with us to receive your #reflectandgrow plantable bookmarks for World Mental Health Day 2020. This can be a way to celebrate your own growth during these tough times and planting seeds of hope for the future in your home, workplace or community. Reach us by emailing carmen@mentalhealthireland.ie for your bookmarks to plant on October 10th.
Display Community Support Tree
As part of the campaign, we want to raise awareness of the support services available in your county to better support and promote our mental health, wellbeing and recovery. Mental Health Ireland has posters available for printing with county specific supports for people to contact if needed. We have online and print versions available. Reach us by emailing carmen@mentalhealthireland.ie for your poster.
Register for the Webinar
Register for Sharing the Vision -Translating Policy into Practice Webinar on 9th October here.