A warm hello to you ALL,
I have lived experience in mental health for over two decades now. I am employed by Mental Health Ireland where I am seconded to work in the Community Healthcare East mental health services as a Recovery Educator.
A summary of my experience to date is that I have been a researcher, teacher and lecturer. However, I prefer the role of facilitator as I feel this best draws out the knowledge and talent of adults in the room. I hold Doctoral and Master degrees in Engineering and Mathematics.
I have been practicing Mindfulness for a few years now, but only recently have begun to delve deeper by purchasing books and leading sessions. I particularly enjoy breath awareness, body scans and any gratitude practice. They have the effect of achieving calm, awareness and giving thanks. I used to practice Yoga daily but injuries have limited my ability to enjoy the practice. I do intend to return to a less rigorous routine to ameliorate the lower back pain.
I am guided in my job by the HSE National Framework for Recovery in Mental Health 2018-2020 and the ‘Living Life Well’ strand of the Mental Health Ireland Strategy 2019-2021. These documents are due updates soon but are still relevant. It would be nice to have the mention of mindfulness in recovery in these supporting documents.
I do hope you enjoy my mindfulness contributions.
Namaste, Peter Byrne