Mental Health


Mental Health


Mental Health Associations

Across the country Mental Health Ireland work with a network of Mental Health Associations.

The membership of the local volunteer led Mental Health Associations reflect volunteers who have a particular interest in mental health including

  • people from the local community,
  • people with lived experience of mental health challenges,
  • family members /carers and professionals working in the mental health area.

Having this representation in the MHA allows the development and implementation of a range of projects and initiatives that are reflective of their local community.

Activities and developments in line with the organisations National Strategy – Empowerment – From Ideas to Action 2019-2021 range from

  • supporting and promoting mental health awareness in communities to working alongside their local Development Officer in the delivery of MHI Workshops on Mental Health & WellBeing
  • involvement in Recovery initiatives such as peer-led day services, Recovery Colleges, Recovery Fairs
  • fundraising and accessing grants to support new initiatives.

Our Mental Health Associations are all run by volunteers.

Our Mental Health
Associations are all run
by volunteers.

Mental Health Ireland

Five Ways To Well Being


Be Active

Take Notice

Keep Learning
