The Kevin Plunkett award is named after the former Area Director of Nursing for Waterford/Wexford Mental Health Service who passed away in May of 2021.
Kevin was a dedicated mental health nurse and mental health volunteer who showed great courage and leadership throughout his career. This award seeks to honour Kevin’s contributions and innovation in the psychiatric nursing field and inspire and support others to do the same.
This Award aims to recognise the work of Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN) working throughout Ireland and celebrate and support the projects and initiatives contributed by these individuals. These may include Mental Health Promotion, Co-Production, Facilitating Recovery, Service Quality, Innovation and Improvement Public Understanding or Community Engagement.
Awards may be utilised to advance; Further Education / Training / Research / facilitate Educational Travel / Study / Conference attendance / Innovate / Pilot projects (small scale).
Partnerships and evidence of co-production with people who use mental health services, family members will be distinct advantage.
We encourage applicants who bring new thinking or fresh insights aligned to the recommendations of the new National mental health policy ‘Sharing the Vision’ and Mental Health Ireland’s own strategy. We wish to recognise best practice, innovation, sustainable and impactful change being brought about by RPNs at all levels. Nominations will be accepted for nurses working in public and private sector, hospital or community settings, NGOs, research and the academic centres.
The nomination processes will allow for self-nomination, nomination by peers, service users, supervisors and colleagues.
The nominee must agree to have their name go forward and must have the support of their management.
Applications are now open through our website.
Closing date for applications is Friday, 22nd December 2023.
In keeping with MHI’s co-production principles, a Working Group has been convened which includes a Mental Health Ireland Board Member, an Area Director of Nursing nominee, a member of Kevin’s family and a Person with Lived Experience. The working group have already set out the framework below.
Outline of the Mental Health Ireland Kevin Plunkett Award
Eligibility Criteria: Nominations for the award would be welcomed for Registered Psychiatric Nurses working in Ireland in the public and private sectors, as well as RPNs working in academia, NGO, projects and research sectors. The awards would include psychiatric nurses working in practice, in leadership, in education, innovation and service reform.
Award criteria would be influenced by and aligned to the National mental health policy ‘Sharing the Vision ‘and Mental Health Ireland’s strategic themes. Themes may include; Mental Health Promotion, Recovery, Co-Production, Social Inclusion, Human Rights, Trauma.
Awards may be utilised to advance; Further Education / Training / Research / facilitate Educational Travel / Study / Conference attendance / Innovate / Pilot (small scale). Partnerships and evidence of co-production with people who use mental health services, family members will be distinct advantage.
Mental Health Ireland does not accept funding from or work in partnership with the Pharmaceutical, Alcohol or Gambling industries, the awards will reflect this position.
The nomination processes will allow for self-nomination, nomination by peers, service users, supervisors and colleagues. The nominee must agree to have their name go forward and must have support of their management.
Awardees will be expected to provide follow-up feedback on the impact or success of their work so that this can be disseminated and shared. The continued ownership of the Intellectual Property would remain with the nominee, the support of the award should be acknowledged in subsequent presentations.
Awardees must utilise the award within 12 months of allocation and will be expected to provide on the impact or success of their work so that the outcomes can be disseminated and shared. The continued ownership of the Intellectual Property would remain with the nominee, the support Mental Health Ireland Kevin Plunkett Award should be acknowledged in subsequent presentations.
Criteria for Consideration of Award
Applications for awards should be for the purposes outlined below in section N and which will take place within a year from the date of award being granted.
Application needs to be for a well-defined purpose, which will make a clear contribution to building nursing practice and excellence as well as improving care and services for people using services and their families.
Must include a detailed budget explaining how the award is to be utilised and spent.
Applicants must indicate any other sources of funding they have applied for, and the amount of support (if any) received. Must indicate specifically what this award will be used for.
Awards cannot be awarded retrospectively.
Awards are for the following purposes:
- Travel awards*.
- Travel to conferences, research institutes, practice site visit, clinical practice placement to obtain further experience or to shadow a recognised expert,
- Travel awards for undergraduate students participating in recognized conferences and or programmes associated with their degree or as a member of a recognised association/network—up to €200 (UK), €350 (Europe) and €500) (rest of world).
- Awards to cover course fees, training and educational projects which are being undertaken within or as part of a recognised and accredited programme.
- Awards to support publication of books by academic and other staff. Proof to show the book is being published must be produced before any award is released.
- Mental Health Ireland will require acknowledgement of their support in the publication along with a copy of the book. Should the book be a commercial success, the applicant is expected to return the award. Maximum award: €1,500.
- Awards to health care groups and or College Societies towards cultural and other educational events that are aligned with the aims of this award scheme. Note that the cost of accommodation or food and drink for receptions and similar occasions will NOT be covered.
- ‘Seed’ money to develop proposals that might attract large grants from other bodies. The larger proposal must align with the aims of this award scheme.
*Travel grants for those including postgraduate students or postdoctoral fellows already in receipt of sponsorship from funding agencies such as HRB, IRC, IRCSET and SFI or other funding agencies will not be covered.
Nomination Criteria
Who can be nominated?
Registered Psychiatric Nurses working in Ireland in public or private health services, in education, research, recovery, mental health promotion, service improvement or the NGO sector.
Entries can be accepted from nurses nominating themselves/team or can be submitted on behalf of another nurse/team. The team may include other colleagues and services users.
Non-nursing colleagues, such as managers or members of the multi-disciplinary team and service users may also nominate a nurse for this award.
Nominees should demonstrate the potential to make a significant contribution in furthering the development of psychiatric nursing practice, leadership, management, education and or research.
This potential contribution may be achieved in many ways such as
- through the conduct of a defined project,
- attendance at a specific course, workshop, conference or congress,
- undertaking travel to visit, work alongside or observe a recognised expert in the field
- to publish work.
How to enter:
Entries must be submitted online via the MHI website. We recommend nominators write the body of their entry in a separate document first, then copy and paste it into the entry form, to avoid the risk of submissions being lost. Please retain a copy of the nomination.
If you are nominating a person/team you must obtain their consent to be nominated.
Nominees should also obtain the support of their line manager for the nomination.
The nomination information will be considered by the adjudication panel as part of the adjudication process.