As part of the programme of events for the Mental Health Europe Empowerment Webinar 2020 we want to acknowledge the role of art in empowering people and recovery.
Do you have a poem, painting, collage, photo, doodle, comic or song on the theme of Empowering Recovery you created that you would like to share?
The artwork will be displayed throughout the day on the webinar itself and on Mental Health Ireland and Mental Health Europe’s websites and social media channels.
You can email your submission to carolinebireland@gmail.com by 10th July.
Please send your artwork in JPEG, PDF, EPS, PNG, MP4, MP3, or Word format. If you would like your name and the title of the piece displayed when we are showcasing your work please state that explicitly in the email. The works must be your own.
The images will remain your copyrighted material but by submitting them to us you are giving us permission to display them on our website www.mentalhealthireland.ie, on Mental Health Europe’s website, www.mhe-sme.org and across our social media networks and in reports on the event and other Mental Health Ireland Publications.
If you haven’t already you can register to attend the free webinar here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/lets-talk-empowering-recovery-in-europe-2020-mhe-empowerment-webinar-tickets-108630891922
The 2020 Empowerment Webinar is being hosted by Mental Health Ireland in close partnership with Mental Health Europe, ENUSP, HSE Mental Health Engagement & Recovery and Community Partners.